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Happy Birthday Baby

With our special relationship we need to be on our guard

But what that means for your birthday I can’t even send a card

It doesn’t mean we cant celebrate or even make a fuss

But I can share this special web site that I made just for us


I want to make your day special, I want you to know that I care

I want you to know I value you and our love which is incredibly rare

We are so very lucky, with all that we have together

And happy in also knowing that this love will last for ever


I want to give my deepest thanks just to your Mom and Dad

For giving to this world the best man it has ever had

You are just so lovely Keith, I think you are the bees knees

And I hope with all my heart you know what you mean to me


Now after all the lovey dovey stuff its time for fun and laughter

You know I love to make you laugh and if I do you can tell me after

And if I've done this properly and now my work is done

It just leaves me to finally say .......................



Keith, this is your life hun


The name Assmann originates in Germany, Europe.  Your Great, Great Grandfather was growing increasingly concerned that things were not quite as they should be around the village


So your Great, Great Grandparents Helga and Fritz decided to make a new life on the other side of the world.  They were so happy and excited about starting a new life, the joy just oozed from them


They landed on the East Coast of America and needed to decide where to settle.  How about Massachusetts?  No, there were too many Irish there.  New York.  No, to many Italians.  New Hampshire, nein, too many bloody English.  They travelled west and eventually arrived at their land of dreams, a home away from home


The Assmann clan flourished on the farmlands of Iowa.  Eventually along came your Dad Michael who met and fell in love with Mary Anne and they soon became man and wife.  There was not much to do on the long cold nights in Iowa so subsequently the family grew to proportions that would give the Von Trapps a run for their money


Your parents decided that enough was enough, so no more babies.  However, one day your Mom was working in the barn when your Dad wandered in.  Your Mom could never understand what came over your Dad but he had to have her there and then in the barn



Nine months later, you arrived.  They had definitely saved the best until last.  From the minute you were born you were very much a Daddy's boy and you copied everything he did


You missed your Dad so much every day when he would leave the house to go out and work on the farm.  You were not much fun to be around when your Dad wasn't home.


Your Mom had had enough of your long face so she told your Dad to take you with him when he was going out to work.  Your Dad swept you up and off you went.  But being a typical man, he never gave any thought as to things you would need being out of the house for so long


Your Dad was very resourceful though, he was always known to improvise, he wouldn't let a bit of shit beat him


Your Dad was also a joker, one day he told you that a pig's snout was made of candy and of course you believed him and couldn't wait to try it


Your Dad thought it was the funniest thing he had ever seen, he even bought a pig facemask so he could describe what you did to all who would listen to him


You had spent the day playing with Elly-Lou from the next farm and your Dad knew he would have to have a serious talk with you when you came home and asked him where she hid her udders!


Your Dad told you to go up to the field and to watch what happens between the bulls and the cows but he told you to make sure that they didn't see you, so you decided to do as your Dad would do and you improvised


The time came for you to spread your wings, there was a great big world out there for you to explore so you and your Dad got to work in custom making some transport for you.  When you were done, with a wave and smile you were on your way


You couldn't make up your mind what you wanted to do when one day you were walking past the cinema when a poster caught your eye.  There it was, there was your calling, that is what you wanted to do, you wanted to be a PT instructor!


However, when you joined the line to enlist you got in the wrong queue and you ended up becoming an engineer in the United Stated Air Force.  After your had completed your training, you were star struck when you saw who was there to salute you into the military


Now Saddam was having a whale of a time.  War?  What War?  Turn up the music, I love the Village People, it's fun to stay at the YMCA......


Word soon got out that you were on your way.  Finally Saddam heard that you were coming over.  His reaction, hey I am outta here!!


When you got there, your CO thought it would be a good morale and team building exercise if you all grew a moustache.  You take such a pride in all that you do it was no surprise that you made sure your team were outright winners of this initiative


One night when you had nothing to do you happened to be in a chat room and we met.  I fell in love with you almost immediately, I just knew that you had been the one I had been looking for, and then when you sent me your picture, your Mona Lisa smile captivated my heart completely


I loved spending time with you but it was proving difficult so I asked you to build us a home we could share.  You made a nice cosy lounge where I could spend my evenings writing letters to you


And of course, you made sure we had a cosy and comfortable bedroom where I could spend the whole night, laughing with you, talking with you and of course loving you


You were the organiser of the barbecues and one day you thought you would give the guys a special treat.  You knew the guys missed female company so you invited some of the local women to the next barbecue, you couldn't understand why it had not been a success


The pressures were beginning to get to the men.  They had even taken to sneaking around Iraq writing graffiti on the walls but the problem was nobody had a clue what it meant!


You had completed your tour of duty and it was time for you to go back home.  You boarded the plane, American Airlines was not what it used to be


Everybody was delighted to have you back home.  Well, that is not strictly true there was one member of the family who was not smiling that you were back.  The dog knew that you would be taking over grooming responsibilities


The guys found out that it is your birthday, so there is no way they could let the day pass without getting you cake for your special day


The problem is that when they lit the candles, there was a state wide red alert, they thought the California wild fires had spread to New Mexico


They invited a special guest to your party who was keen to show off his latest talents.  Hey, a guy has to make a living after being fired as Defence Secretary


So Love, I hope you enjoyed my little spoof this is your life.  Now you know if you were here with me today, this is how I would serve up your birthday cake


So go ahead Babe, get down there and eat your cake making sure you lick up every last bit


So there you have it my Love, I hope you have a wonderful birthday, I would give everything to be there with you on this special day, but know this, I love you with all my heart and I always will